4th IEEE Workshop on Accessible Devices and Services (ADS)Friday, January 11, 2019 - ARCHIVED Webcast
Chairs:Silvia Mirri, University of Bologna, Computer Science and EngineeringMike Paciello, The Paciello Group, USA
Building a Crowdsourcing based Disabled Pedestrian Level of Service routing application using Computer Vision and Machine LearningNicolas Blanc (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HEIG-VD), Switzerland); Zhan Liu (University of Applied Science and arts Western Switzerland & HES-SO Valais-Wallis, Switzerland); Olivier Ertz (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HEIG-VD), Switzerland); Diego Rojas (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland, Switzerland); Romain Sandoz (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HEIG-VD), Switzerland); Maria Sokhn (University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland - Sierre, Switzerland); Jens Ingensand (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland (HEIG-VD), Switzerland); Jean-Christophe Loubier (University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland, Switzerland)Health-monitoring of pregnant women: Design requirements, and proposed reference architectureSuman Kumar (Troy University, USA); Yashi Gupta (Lakehead University, USA); Vijay Mago (Lakehead University, Canada)Accessibility for the Visually Impaired: State of the Art and Open IssuesOmbretta Gaggi, Giacomo Quadrio and Armir Bujari (University of Padua, Italy)Gamification and AccessibilityMarco Furini (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy); Silvia Mirri (University of Bologna, Italy); Manuela Montangero (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy)Tourism for all: a mobile application to assist visually impaired users in enjoying tourist servicesCatia Prandi (Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute & University of Bologna, Italy); Chiara Ceccarini (University Of Bologna, Italy)