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WebAble.TV Recommended Videos From The Web | Hearts Of Glass Trailer Video
Hearts of Glass follows the tumultuous first 15 months of operation of Vertical Harvest (VH), a multi-story, state-of-the-art hydroponic greenhouse that grows crops while providing meaningful, competitively-paid jobs for people with disabilities. The film weaves the story of VH’s launch with the personal journeys of several employees with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD). Innovation and inclusion create a fertile environment for people and plants to grow. | | Tuesdays With Liz: Bruce Keisling Tells All About the AUCD Conference!
In this week's edition of 'Tuesdays with Liz: Disability Policy for All,' Liz interviews Bruce Keisling, Director of the Boling Center for Developmental Disabilities and Chair of this year's AUCD Conference. Liz and Bruce talked about what to expect at the upcoming conference. | | AAPD Informational Video
A remarkable story of All-American Athlete, Jim MacLaren losing his leg at 22 and becoming a quadriplegic 8 years later, ends up having a connection with Emmanuel Yeboah of Ghana. | | Against All Odds: Jim MacLaren & Emmanuel Yeboah
A remarkable story of All-American Athlete, Jim MacLaren losing his leg at 22 and becoming a quadriplegic 8 years later, ends up having a connection with Emmanuel Yeboah of Ghana. | | Surf Dog Ricochet surfs with brain injured 6 year old
A traumatic brain injury wasn't going to stop Ian McFarland from surfing like he used to, Surf Dog Ricochet makes it happen again. | | Power Soccer
The first competitive team sport, Power Soccer, is designed specifically for those in wheelchairs. Players include those with multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, quadriplegia, cerebal palsy, head trauma, stroke, spinal cod injury and other disabilities. | | Patrick Henry Hughes
Born without eyes and a tightening of the joints that will never allow his limbs to straighten, Patrick Henry Hughes, has become an accomplished musican, even being a part of the Louisville Marching Band. | | 29 years old and hearing myself for the 1st time!
Living her entire life deaf, Sarah Churman at 29-years old shares her first time hearing her voice, after receiving a hearing implant. | | No Arms Athlete - Butch Lumpkin
Born without arms Butch Lumpkin not only plays golf but teaches tennis. |