Social Media and Collaborative Platforms
June 13, 1:30pm
Whether searching for jobs or connecting with colleagues and friends, social media is becoming an increasingly integral part of daily life for persons with disabilities and seniors. This session will examine the major impact of social media for these populations, from employment and education, to health and wellness, to advocacy and communication. Panelists will discuss the successes and challenges of social media and accessibility, and how major social media platforms are adapting their offerings to make them more accessible, usable and relevant to this fast-growing group of social media users.
Session Chair: Emily Ladau, Communications Consultant, Partnership on Employment & Accessible Technology (PEAT)
Ty D’Amore, Marketing Director, AudioEye
Sassy Outwater, Director of Assistive Technology, Massachusetts Association for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Debra Ruh, CEO and Founder, Ruh Global