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The 2017 M-Enabling Global Summit

On Demand Webcast - Scroll down for Video Archives

Opening Remarks & Advancing the Accessibility Profession

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June 12, 1:30pm
Welcome: Axel Leblois, President and Executive Director, G3ict

IAAP President’s kick-off remarks: Rob Sinclair, President of the Global Leadership Council of IAAP.,

IAAP Dashboard: Sharon Spencer, Managing Director of the IAAP

Update on IAAP and accessibility certification programs: Dr. Christopher Lee, Executive Director of AMAC Accessibility Solutions and Research Center at Georgia Institute of Technology, & Dr. Paul Bohman, Director of Training at Deque Systems and Chair of the IAAP Certification Committee Chair,
Global trends in the accessibility profession:
Todd Bankofier, CEO, AudioEye
Shilpi Kapoor, CEO, 247 Accessible Documents
Susana Laurin, CEO, Funka
Paul Smyth, Head of IT Accessibility, Barclay’s
Post Comment 200

M-Enabling Summit 2017 General Sessions

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Closing: What’s Next for Accessibility Innovations: Top Predictions from Participants
June 14, 1:30PM

Back in 2017 by popular demand, the closing session of the M-Enabling Summit will present and discuss participants’ top pre...
5,269 views | 8 years ago
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New Partnerships for Accessibility
June 14, 9:15AM

The accessible and assistive technologies eco-system experiences a rapid evolution driven by innovation and the emergence o...
5,271 views | 8 years ago
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FCC Chairman’s Awards for Advancements in Accessibility
June 13, 2017

In its sixth edition, the Chairman’s Awards for Advancements in Accessibility (Chairman’s AAA), part of the FCC's Accessibi...
5,101 views | 8 years ago
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The Future of Accessibility with Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
Assistive Technologies have relied for many decades on user’s input to operate. However, the advent of artificial intelligence,cognitive computing an... 8,670 views | 8 years ago
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Day Two: Opening Session
June 13, 8:45AM

MC: Paul Schroeder, PS Strategies
Opening Remarks: Ron Akins, Vice President, E.J. Krause and Associates ...
5,430 views | 8 years ago
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Global Trends in Compliance
June 12, 2:30pm
New regulations and policies in the United States, Europe and several major countries as well as new and updated standards set ne...
5,449 views | 8 years ago
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Opening Remarks & Advancing the Accessibility Profession
June 12, 1:30pm
Welcome: Axel Leblois, President and Executive Director, G3ict

IAAP President’s kick-off remarks: Rob Sinc...
6,381 views | 8 years ago
The 2017 M-Enabling Global Summit

June 13-14, 2017 - Washington D.C.


Accessible Technologies and Environments for All

The M-Enabling Summit Conference and Showcase is dedicated to promoting accessible and assistive technology for senior citizens and users of all abilities. It is an annual meeting place for all who create and contribute accessible ICT products, services and consumer technologies.  With its theme of “Making Connected Things and Services Accessible for All”, the 2017 M-Enabling Summit will provide a platform for empowering technologies and focus on next-generation innovations and breakthroughs for users of all abilities.

Bringing together professionals, corporations, service organizations, and key thought leaders, the M-Enabling Summit is an all-inclusive conference and showcase featuring innovative technology, mobile applications, connected devices, and services for more than one-billion users worldwide.

The M-Enabling Summit is the ideal venue to support independent living in an interconnected world for seniors and persons with disabilities. These technological advances are becoming an essential differentiator in gaining a competitive advantage. The M-Enabling program is designed to give attendees tools, knowledge, and networking opportunities to implement into their everyday lives in this rapidly expanding market of assistive and accessibility technologies.

The 6th edition of the M-Enabling Summit Global Conference and Showcase will be held on June 13-14, 2017 at the Renaissance Arlington Capital View Hotel, in Washington, D.C, with the IAAP, The International Association of Accessibility Professionals Pre-Conference Session on June 12, 2017.

Key Topics include:

  • Innovation in robotics, wearables, virtual and augmented reality, artificial intelligence, IoT, smart homes and appliances, self-driving cars
  • Latest enabling end-user solutions for cognitive, mobility, visual, hearing impairments and aging challenges
  • Scaling-up accessibility in higher education, businesses, government, workplace, smart cities
  • Refreshed Section 508, WCAG 2.1, RTT, standard for navigation software
  • Health, safety and well-being, home care, connected citizens, social media, security and privacy

What Attendees Have to Say About the Summit:

“Invaluable Insight,” “Absolutely Fantastic!” “Facilitator of Accessibility Solutions Dialogue Among Stakeholders,” “Prestigious,” “Great Venue for Critical Discussions!”


Event Contact

M-Enabling Summit
Organizing Committee
(G3ict and EJK)
C/o E.J. Krause & Associates,
6430 Rockledge Drive, Suite 200,
Bethesda, MD 20817
Phone: (301) 493-5500
Fax:  (301) 493-5705


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