The 2013 M-Enabling Global Summit is the only program exclusively dedicated to promoting mobile accessible and assistive applications and services for senior citizens and users of all abilities, a market of more than one billion users worldwide, with considerable untapped potential.
Event Organized in Cooperation with:
FCC – Federal Communications Commission
ITU – International Telecommunication Union Opening a new Window of Market Opportunities
The rapid expansion of smart phones and tablets opens unprecedented opportunities, profiting from global economies of scale. Solutions that work for seniors and persons with disabilities, like text-tospeech, voice recognition, Near Field Communication or GPS technology, benefit all mobile users dealing with environmental or situational limitations in utilizing their device. As such, accessible and assistive solutions are at the forefront of the mobile industry as a whole, becoming an essential differentiator and competitive advantage.
What is unique about the M-Enabling Summit?
The Summit is the only gathering of U.S. and international leaders of the global ecosystem supporting accessible and assistive mobile solutions. At the Summit they share experiences on how to best leverage the latest mobile operating systems, handset and tablet technologies, creating life changing applications and services for seniors and users of all abilities.
The second edition of the M-Enabling Summit in 2013 is expected to draw more than 600 participants from at least 40 countries. Convening in Washington, D.C., the M-Enabling Summit is organized in cooperation with the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), ensuring substantial participation for leading international mobile service providers, policy makers, apps developers and manufacturers.
Benefits of participating in the M-Enabling Summit:
Network with peers and experts from industry, service providers, apps developers, organizations of seniors and persons with disabilities, and professionals representing special education, rehabilitation and senior care services
Promote your own mobile accessible and assistive solutions to key interested stakeholders
Learn about the latest developments, innovations, market drivers and emerging opportunities
Share perspectives with international participants
See the latest products, services and applications in a showcase featuring companies and organizations driving innovation with accessible and assistive mobile technologies solutions Gain new insights from case studies by service providers, and public and private sector organizations experienced in marketing and services for seniors and persons with disabilities.