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Healthy Childhood Healthy Lifetime

Healthy Childhood…Healthy Lifetime
Transforming Children’s and Lifespan Health Outcomes

The series of Internet TV interviews dedicated to proving solutions to chronic health conditions and the prediction, prevention and improved outcomes in children’s health.

Interviews are pre-recorded at WebAble TV Studios near Washington D.C. in addition to other medical pediatric conference locations.

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Healthy Childhood…Healthy Lifetime
Transforming Children’s and Lifespan Health Outcomes

The series of Internet TV interviews dedicated to proving solutions to chronic health conditions and the prediction, prevention and improved outcomes in children’s health.

Interviews are pre-recorded at WebAble TV Studios near Washington D.C. in addition to other medical pediatric conference locations.

Healthy Childhood…Healthy Lifetime Series Host:

 Mr. Lee Grossman - President and CEO of Advance Enterprises
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Video Interviews

Dr. Margaret Bauman
Dr. Margaret Bauman is a Child Neurologist, currently on staff at the Boston University School of Medicine Here, Dr. Bauman provides an historical pe... 3,669 views | 7 years ago
Dr. Jeanne Conry
Lee Grossman interviews Dr. Jeanne Conry at the Forum Institute Think Tank, September 21, 2018. Dr. Conry is assistant physician in chief at The Perm... 3,015 views | 7 years ago
David Humphrey - Attorney, and CEO
David Humphrey is an attorney, and CEO of a number of companies, He is a National Board Member of the Northwest Autism Foundation, THE FORUM, ACT... 3,010 views | 7 years ago
Dr. Sanjay Kapur - Entrepreneurial executive, scientist, speaker, anti-aging expert and educator
Dr. Sanjay Kapur is an entrepreneurial executive, scientist, speaker, anti-aging expert and educator with over 25 years of experience in Research and ... 3,966 views | 7 years ago
Dr. Anthony Macherone - Senior Scientist with Agilent Technologies and a Visiting Professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.
Dr. Anthony Macherone serves as a Senior Scientist with Agilent Technologies and a Visiting Professor at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. ... 3,878 views | 7 years ago
Dr. Richard Boles, Chief Medical and Scientific Officer for NeuroNeeds
WebAble TV’s Dave Gardy interviews Dr. Richard Boles, Chief Medical and Scientific Officer for NeuroNeeds at the MAPS 2018 conference about the compan... 3,042 views | 7 years ago
Dr. Michael Elice, a Board-Certified Pediatrician
WebAble TV’s Dave Gardy interviews Dr. Michael Elice, a Board-Certified Pediatrician focusing on Autism at the MAPS 2018 conference, as he explains ... 3,272 views | 7 years ago

List of Healthy Childhood…Healthy Lifetime Interview Hosts and Subjects

Scientific evidence is now coming to the forefront that addresses the prediction, prevention, causation, treatments and solutions of chronic health conditions and disabilities. Focused on providing solutions to some of healthcare’s most pressing needs, the Healthy Childhood…Healthy Lifetime interview program series will be the go-to source for providing the latest on the clinical treatments and scientific breakthroughs for children with special needs, disabilities and chronic health conditions. The series will highlight the work of the most notable key opinion leaders and subject matter experts in a variety of areas and will have a global focus.

Invited presenters to the initial series of interviews are:

David Humphrey (The Forum Institute)—Addressing the future of healthcare with sensible solutions

Dr. Sanjay Kapur (Ayumetrix, LLC)—The Future of Healthcare Testing and its implications for improving healthcare

Dr. Anthony Macherone (Agilent Technologies and Johns Hopkins University)—The role of the Exposome in curing chronic diseases

Dr. Jose Cordero (University of Georgia and Past Director of the National Center for Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities at the CDC)—The Principles of Transforming Healthcare by Improving Pregnancies and Birth Outcomes

Dr. Linda Birnbuam (Director of NIEHS)—Towards 2020: What are the Critical Environmental Health Challenges

Dr. Jeanne Conry (Ex-President of American College of OB/GYN) –Women’s Preventative Services Initiative.

Ken Cook (President of the Environmental Working Group)—Solutions provided by the Environmental Working Group and how common commercial products can affect our health.

Glenn Snow (CEO and President of International Milk Bank)—Addressing the healthy development of infants.

Dr. Anna Ordonez (Deputy Director of the Office of Clinical Research at the National Institute of Mental Health) and others-- Panel discussion on the rise of mental illness in children and young adults and what can be done to address this.

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